events: cellularization
cell formation takes place, while blastoderm nuclei elongate considerably
(2:10-2:50 h). At the end of stage 5, pole cells begin to shift their position
dorsalwards. Shifting of pole cells can be observed directly. At the same
time, midventral blastoderm cells acquire an irregular, wavy appearance,
darkening at their interface with the yolk. This precedes their invagination
to form the mesodermal and the anterior endodermal primordia.
occurs by means of the introgression of membrane furrows to separate single
blastoderm nuclei. This is a rapid process, and is accomplished within 30
min at 25°C. Blastoderm nuclei are spherical at the onset of cellularization
but elongate considerably as the process continues, increasing in length
from 3-4 µm to 10-15 µm.
cells around the perimeter of the entire egg at this stage are not completely
isolated since they still maintain connected with the syncytial yolk cytoplasm
through wide cytoplasmic bridges. These connections are lost during gastrulation.
somatic blastoderm nuclei and cells have the same shape and do not show
any apparent differences between particular egg regions. Both shape and
size, however, will show considerable regional variations during the next

Media list
5, sections..........additional
Cellularization, in vivo (0.4 MB)
Cellularization, schematic (1 MB)
Stage 5, interactive (3.2 MB) |